We have a real eclectic mix of items in our shop from various points in history, we love the craftsmanship and stories of vintage, retro and antique pieces.
We are a reputable and long established business and have had many happy customers over the years and pride ourselves on good honest prices. We are genuine and very transparent when buying.
So you can sell with confidence.
If you have a house, attic, garage or garden shed full if curiosities, we would love to hear from you.
Be it a single item to a lifetimes collection, it doesn’t matter. All things considered.
We are more than happy to visit you or you can stop by our great shop in Clitheroe town centre, which is worth a trip out in itself.
Contact us now on 01200 442174 or 07854380100 for a chat.
You can also email us at - hello@thetimetrain.co.uk
We look forward to hearing from you!
Below are a list of the sorts of items we are looking for :
Dinkies & Corgis
Tinplate & Clockwork toys
Steam toys
Hornby/ Triang/ Bachmann, Wrenn train sets and locos
Nintendo/ Sega & Retro games consoles and games
Vintage Camera & Photography equipment
SLR Film cameras and lenses
Boys toys/ girls toys (upto 1990s)
Kitchenalia (old scales/ kitchen equipment pre/ post war. Upto 1970s)
Retro/ Vintage home decor (Lamps/ fans/ pictures/ ornamental/ vases)
Radios and Hi-Fi equipment (Transistor/ Valve)
Old advertising
Enamel and cast iron signage
Petronalia (old garage equipment- petrol cans/ fuel pumps/ car parts/ signs)
Breweriana (Pub/ Brewery signage)
Railwayana (Railway signage/ lanterns/ lamps/ Suitcases etc/ ephemera)
Militaria (helmets/ badges/ bayonets/ field gear/ WWI / WWII / all sorts considered)
Fishing Tackle (Fly/ Coarse)
Film memorabilia (posters/ film props)
Music Memorabilia (gig posters/ tshirts/ instruments/ booklets)
Juke boxes/ Acade and pinball machines